
Human resourcesHuman Resources
Job application form

Instruction:1、"Job application form" is an important way for us to understand you. Please make sure to fill in it carefully and completely.。

2、We will keep your personal information strictly confidential, please be assured to fill in it.。

Job expectation
Application for position:1、2、3、
Expected place of work:1、2、Would you like to send other cities:
Minimum salary requirements(pre-tax):Probation periodAfter the correctionThe fastest arrival date:

One inch photo free photo

personal data
Full nameName used beforeSex
Date of birthyearmonthdayHeightcmWeight
The highest degree of EducationSpecialtiesThe state of marriage
Native placeNationPolitical outlook
ID card No.Q QEmail
Nature of household registrationRegistered residence
Present addressMobile phone
emergency contactRelationshipContact number
Remarks:The subject is required.。
※Education and training experience(Please fill in from the highest degree.)
Start and stop time
Colleges and UniversitiesSpecialtiesEducation
Way of raising school
(The entrance examination / self / Adult Education)
※work experience(Please fill in the latest work resume)
Start and stop time
Corporate name Position Scope of management Final salary (pre tax) Witness and contact phone
Main work content:
Specific reasons for turnover:
Main work content:
Specific reasons for turnover:
Main work content:
Specific reasons for turnover:
Main work content:
Specific reasons for turnover:
http://jiaoyiwangchao.com http://mengyinfood.com http://jieshi3.com
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